Rolf Pilarsky ::: erosion<\/p><\/div>\n
Videoprojektionen 26.11.05<\/p>\n
Rolf Pilarsky : <\/strong>Die Videos “stumbler” und “erosion” sind eine Reise durch filmische Zeit. Nach dem Fall des Kommunismus und dem sozialen Verfall, welcher ungez\u00fcgelten Turbokapitalismus begleitet, stellt sich die Frage, wieweit die Camera auf existierende Realit\u00e4t zugreifen kann, um diese zu ersetzen, neu zu schaffen oder auszuradieren. Die Videos sind Fu\u00dfnoten zum Filmen, gleichzeitig ein lakonischer Kommentar zu den Bedingungen von Zivlisation und deren medialer Vermittlung. Beschleunigung und Wiederholung sind die strukturellen Prinzipien, welche den Spaziergang durch die Relikte der Zeit lenken. ::: [english] The videos “stumbler” and “erosion” examine the reality of post-ideological identity from within the coordinates of film. They are brief comments on the conditions of the environment and its representation in the media empire. After the collapse of communism and the social and environmental decay inherent in turbo capitalism, the camera records these structures, replaces them, both creates and erases. Speed, acceleration and end repetition are some of the structural elements of this approach.<\/p>\n “Man has defended himself, always against other man, against Nature. He has constantly violated Nature. The result is a civilization build on force, power, fear, dependence. All our “technical progress” has only provided us with comfort, a sort of standard. An instrument of violence for keeping power.” The Sacrifice, Andrei Tarkovsky<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n “The post-Communist reality was a time of forced conformism: political chaos and social decay left no space for critical discourse. Reality has nothing stable and defined. The thinking class accepted gangster capitalism as adding to the chances for personal success. New poverty was an addition to the freedom to create and travel. The glory of cynicism brought liberation from ideological moralism. Any critical position was ignored and considered as Communist nostalgia. The crystallization of critical discourse was complicated by the fact that with an ideology’s end there existed neither the political nor the aesthetic.” see also rolfpilarsky.net<\/a><\/p>\n
\n “Russio Year Zero”, Viktor Misiano, Flash Art, Nr. 244, October 2005<\/em><\/p>\n\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div> \n\t\t\t\n \n\t\t\t\t
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