allgirls @ UTA 2014

allgirls @ UTA 2014

UTA – Werke Unter TAusend

16.–21. September 2014

in der Kunsthalle Weißensee bieten rund 300 Künstlerinnen und Künstler
Arbeiten für unter Tausend Euro an.

allgirls ist dabei mit:

Bettina Allamoda, Dave Allen, Dorotea Etzler,
Hike, Christine Kriegerowski, Michel Majerus,
Rolf Pilarsky, Bob Rutman, Gabi Schaffner,
Betty Stürmer, Stefan Thiel, Julia Alice Treptow

KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz,
Gustav-Adolf-Str. 140, 13086 Berlin

film musik videos @ Mysliwska :: Dorotea Etzler

5 hrs programme of film scenes from the 1950s, 60s and early 70s.
Concept by allgirls/tmf. Music by DJ Lehmann, hosted by Mysliwska.
Here you find part 2:
filmmusik channel:

BlumenFotoFilm – FlowerPicsFilm (bff/fpf) 2008-2014

This edition of BFF is based on a body of app. 22.000 digital pictures of flowers taken in the past 7 years. The pics are edited as movie files; running length varies from 4 to 7 hours, all together nearly 24 hours.
