::: Lingling, Mikrosymphonien Dorotea Etzler
Signaltöne, mp3, 21–52 sek., unlimitiert, 2010
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Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 01 nimwan,first 3 sec. of 21 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 02 hdimarsch, first 3 sec. of 52 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 03 parisdakkar, first 3 sec. of 24 sec.
Preis: a 10 Euro | 1-12: 100 Euro
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Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 04 hellojemen, first 3 sec of 38 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 05 wollwaesche, first 3 sec of 29 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 06 countdown, first 3 sec of 24 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 07 schluessel, first 3 sec of 22 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 08 mahjong, first 3 sec of 36 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 09 baby, first 3 sec of 21 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 10 muhezin, first 3 sec of 30 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 11 pommodoro, first 3 sec of 32 sec.
Dorotea Etzler ::: Lingling 12 japan, first 3 sec of 32 sec.